Name: Playmaker
Client: Anderson Hospital
Role: Ideation and craftsman
Field: Experience and physical product
Status: Under Consideration
When put in an unfamiliar place, humans look for anything they can control. This is made even more true for children. Faced with the reality of staying in a sterile hospital for extended stents of time, we designed Playmaker! Because every child deserves the ability to choose. Every child deserves to be able to create
Inspiration from actual facilities and past endeavors from accomplished designers
Once we had our foundation, everything was a breeze from there. Playmaker needed to be an experience from a physical product that was not only feasible, but also easy to clean and duplicate. Primary and secondary colors came first, then the shapes.
We decided to go with a sort of “road map” based on childhood street rugs from our childhood, only more abstract as to not dictate what the child should do. THAT is the entire goal of the project: give children choice.